
Reproductive Considerations

Hi, this is Stephanie writing. As a balanced reciprocal translocation carrier, I have faced a great deal of frustration in my attempts to become a mother. In my case and many others in my position, it can be a complicated, frustrating, and emotional journey. I chose to add to my family through adoption. If you are finding out you are a carrier of a chromosome difference and are trying to build a family, you may want to ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is the risk that your child will be born with a chromosome disorder?
  • What tests are available to determine if a pregnancy is affected?
  • If the baby will be affected by a chromosome condition, how will you feel?
  • If you give birth to a child with disabilities, how do you think you will cope?
  • Do you understand how a child with a particular diagnosis may be affected? Are you prepared and ready to raise this child?
  • What are your views on termination?
  • Do you have other children to consider? Will you be able to manage?
  • Can you afford to raise a child with disabilities?
  • What support systems do you have in place?
  • How might your family react? Will they be supportive?
  • What other alternatives are there to have children?

It is certainly not easy to make these decisions, and these are just some of the questions you may want to reflect upon.

As a carrier of a balanced translocation, I have experienced multiple miscarriages. I have watched other families navigate invitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), build families through adoption (like I did!), and find out the news either pre or post natally, that their child would be affected by a rare chromosome disorder. 

There are so many complex emotions that go into finding different ways to have a child. I know for myself and others, the pain of not being able to have a baby easily and naturally is significant. No matter what choice you make, remember that someone else has walked the same path. 

Please join us on our social media platforms to connect with other parents. 

Stephanie, excerpt from Raising the Goddess of Spring

Want to learn more? We talk in depth about this topic and share the stories of other parents going through these very challenges in Raising the Goddess of Spring: A guide for parents raising children with rare chromosome disorders.